“Night of the Living Dead” is a horror film where a group of strangers seeks refuge in an isolated farmhouse as the dead mysteriously return to life, craving human flesh. As they fight to survive the night, tensions rise, and the true horror of the situation becomes increasingly apparent”
Join us on Halloween night, Tuesday, October 31st, to celebrate the 55th anniversary of “Night of the Living Dead” at The Grove!
π Doors Open: 6 PM
π₯ Movie Starts: 7 PM
ποΈ Admission: FREE
Get ready for a spooky night of classic horror! Don’t miss it! π»πΏπ½οΈ #NightOfTheLivingDead55 #HalloweenAtTheGrove
The Grove
1 St Michael's Rd
Newcastle upon Tyne NE6 1QU
Newcastle upon Tyne NE6 1QU